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February 2025

Administrata Essentials

Curated updates, insights, and deals – just for you!

📢 News

The BillboardLearn more
We’ve introduced a new, free way to advertise on Administrata! If you're the top poster in the last 24 hours, your banner gets featured on The Billboard. Post more, get more visibility!

15K Posts LandmarkCelebrating 15,000 posts!
Administrata has hit 15,000 posts! A big thank you to everyone who contributed. Let’s keep the discussions going!

Feedback CentralNew feedback system
We've launched a fully-featured feedback system to help build trust in the community. Now you can leave and view ratings for transactions. Just hover over a username and click “Rating” to check out feedback profiles!

🌟 Site of the Month

This month, we’re highlighting jCodes!
jCodes offers hundreds of resources for Jcink administrators, including coding support, discussions, and more. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, there's something for you!

💰 Marketplace Deals

🎯 Topsites Highlight

Want more visibility for your site? Our Topsites leaderboard resets every month, giving everyone a fresh shot at the top rankings. Check it out and climb your way up!

📊 Community Insights

February in numbers:

🆕 New Registrations 21 (-52.27% from last month)
✍️ Posts Created 1,833 (+0.33% from last month)
🔑 Threads Created 220 (+13.40% from last month)

Thanks for being part of Administrata! ❤️ Have suggestions for the next edition? Let us know!
