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Recent content by Mace

  1. Mace


    While I definitely want to go somewhere, but nothing is certain yet. However, I recently talked with my friend from the US and he mentioned that he would like to fly over so we can do the trip we discussed last year. He has never been to Europe before, so for 1 - 2 days we'd just somewhere here...
  2. Mace

    General Fishbb: Minimalist bulletin board software

    Agreed! Some basic modern styling would be nice. I also found myself clicking on 'x days ago by x' instead of the actual topic. I feel like it should be placed below the topic that was posted in. Overall the layout does not feel very intuitive (to me, at least).
  3. Mace

    which design do you prefer?

    I personally like the first one better. Looking forward to see the result regardless of which one you decide to use. :)
  4. Mace

    15,000 posts landmark!

    Congratulations! :)
  5. Mace

    What decade were you born in?

    Born in '93. I remember everyone was worried about computers / data loss / etc. when we would go from '99 to '01, haha. Oh, and also, I remember my whole family being so worried for my aunt who was supposed to be at the WTC for a meeting on 9/11 '01, and no one could reach her that day... but...
  6. Mace

    Good luck with your project!

    Good luck with your project!
  7. Mace

    WP - Bricks & ACF Pro installation service (lifetime licenses)

    If you don't frequently develop WP websites for clients or make (enough) money from your own websites, you may find that the prices of plugins and themes for WordPress can be quite high for what you use them for, whether you opt for an annual or lifetime license. However, with this installation...
  8. Mace

    Guide Don't build a boring community

    Oh, I was just thinking about building a boring community...
  9. Mace

    Hiring Community Moderators

    Best of luck to all applicants! :)
  10. Mace

    What's the least amount you used to start any business?

    The costs of a domain, a reseller hosting package, an extra bank account, a business license and accounting software, of which the first two are annual expenses and the last two are monthly expenses. I do always have some extra money for outsourcing purposes, just in case I needed someone to...
  11. Mace

    Your Most Recent Purchase

    Those are indeed the oldest versions, from like when they first came out. That BEWD was my favourite back then! I never used it though (I never knew how to play anyway ...) - I only collected them and put them in this metal box, between other cards, and they still look great. Unfortunately I did...
  12. Mace

    Your Most Recent Purchase

    Cool, didn't know people were still into those cards. I recently found mine in the attic. It included the Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician, both 1st editions, which I thought was pretty cool. :D
  13. Mace

    AMA Well hi

    Welcome to Administrata, Cam!
  14. Mace


    Welcome, Rey!
  15. Mace

    Facebook plans to roll out AI generated users

    Well, I suppose so. But I feel like FaceBook is mainly there to interact with people you actually know.