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Recent content by Cory

  1. Cory


    Do you collect anything? I collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I've been collecting them since they first hit the shelves in the USA. I sometimes thought I was done with the game and either sold some cards or gave them away, but I have a massive collection of thousands of TCG cards. My primary nostalgic...
  2. Cory

    Your Most Recent Purchase

    I had to spend $30-something to use a tax service when it used to be free. 😒 If that counts as a "purchase."
  3. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    In terms of the ending? Or did you think the entire show was unsatisfying?
  4. Cory

    What are some of your favorite forums?

    For general discussions: The Coffee House For webmaster discussions: Administrata, of course! As a hobby: My Jcink resource board.
  5. Cory

    Community Chat Thread

    No surprise there. Nearly everyone was disappointed with the ending because it was rushed and way beyond the original author's imagination. I loved the overall show, but I do stand by what I said about the previous point. I've seen all seasons twice.
  6. Cory

    Completed Administrata Lottery: 25 Threads for jCodes

    Don't forget to mark this as "In Progress" since all the spots have been filled. :)
  7. Cory

    Google Search Console "Change of address" help

    The <head> section is where meta tags go.
  8. Cory


    I've made $80+ in the past 3 days and plan to go to DoorDash for the supper run. I spent about 2 hours doing the lunch run today. $11 for the biggest tip thus far.
  9. Cory

    Google Search Console "Change of address" help

    As far as I'm aware, a 301 redirect needs to be set up on the server-side end of the spectrum, and since Jcink doesn't have that access, I don't believe it's possible. When I purchased a new domain for my site, I just restarted the search console process with the new domain.
  10. Cory

    Engagement facebook community

    When I did actively use Facebook, I had like 50- friends. Goes to show how few people I've befriended in my life. :unsure:
  11. Cory

    What's your favourite social media platform?

    It got to the point where I no longer want anything to do with social media and recently deleted all the accounts I was aware I had.
  12. Cory

    Do you manage your website on mobile or desktop?

    Unless I was in public and someone was spamming my board and needed to be banned, or for any other reason, I do all administration tasks on desktop. Since many of my administration tasks occasionally relate to coding, I want to save those for doing on a desktop so I don't blow up my forum.
  13. Cory

    General What goes on behind-the-scenes on your forum?

    Not much, since I'm flying solo. The only hidden forum from the member base is the Trash Can. I update snippets of coding on my board occasionally, and sometimes, I work on skin conversions to be released. A lot of days, I don't even access the Admin CP.
  14. Cory

    Game Talk Forum

    I usually use the online editor, Pixlr:
  15. Cory

    Game Talk Forum

    I think the direct height needs to be adjusted since it is currently relative to the font size of the parent element using the em unit. You can shrink it down to a maximum of 64px with the image in the current state. #site-logo { height: 64px !important; } Using an image editor to crop out...