I remember using some of them to varying success, most notably freeforums.org, Zetaboards, Icyboards, and Forumotion.
Last i checked, the former three defunct long time ago, and Forumotion faded into obscurity.
What happened to these? Was it because times have changed, or was it because better...
Politics is one of many topics people can't handle in a civilized manner, as such, my community would ban any political discussion to prevent troubles since debates tend to spiral into storms.
I was under the impression that posting packages would jumpstart a forum, then they're just there to pay the bills for the one who joined the forum to complete the packages, honestly, i feel like any community would truly get off by genuine interactions and engagements.
Hello, i'm new here! I got intrigued by this website through FP and i decided to join for more exposure for my upcoming community also make new friends!