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Recent content by bdev

  1. Strategy This ain't an airport, no need to announce your departure

    It honestly depends who the user is. If they have a past history of saying that then saying "I changed my mind" then obviously I am not going to entertain them lol. I just wait for them to change their mind again, don't reply, and laugh when they do make the post. I actually had this happen...
  2. Team Building Chain of Command Styles

    I stick with simply Administrator, Global Moderator, Forum Moderator (moderates a singular forum).
  3. General Discussion Forum - Crowd Topics

    Crowd Topics is a general discussion forum. We've been around for a long time and we recently encountered some server issues which caused us to reset our site. Please help us grow and become a crowdy forum, full of discussion! Our Administration is full of dedicated staff that are here to...
  4. General Nodebb: Have you used this software?

    Sometimes I regret using NodeBB because of the price and sometimes it is laggy because of my SQL Database choice and I can't change it now. If I knew about XenForo, we'd be using it ATM. I still like how it looks
  5. General Nodebb: Have you used this software?

    NodeBB can be pricey. My forum is a NodeBB Forum.
  6. Moderation What Are Good Moderator Guidelines & Procedures?

    Hello, Good Moderator Guidelines & Procedures are informational, easy to understand, helpful, and they should explain what your moderators should do and not be doing. Another part about Moderator Guidelines are setting up a system for Mod Warnings or Mod Strikes, for my forum I tend to give...
  7. Staff Changes & Announcements

    Check your dms, thanks!