Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 19-05-38 Debate HQ.webp

Debate HQ

A place to debate anything and everything. And do it without having to worry what others say.

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The idea for Debate HQ is real simple. Have a open forum to stage debates. Tackle new and old ideas from everyone and debate what you believe to be true or not true. Whether you are in favor or against the proposed idea, it is a great way to discuss it.

The debate area can and will be built on the community. We can make it as simple as we want or turn it into something with voting and arguments. Make it one stage or more. Doesn't matter if it is AMD vs Intel or Ford vs Chevy, we can debate it. We can tackle more serious subjects as well.

We have a rant area too. If you just have to get something off your chest, have a bad day, or have issues with a product that no one is helping you with. Just a sucky situation and you want somewhere to get it out.

Our general junk area is just for your everyday stuff. Will build this as we go along and add areas that we need.

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Threads: 706 ~ Messages: 6001 ~ Members: 58


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