One of the important tasks for a community leader is hiring community moderators. Moderators play a crucial role in maintaining a productive and positive online community.

Here are some key skills and qualities that you should look for when you are hiring moderators for your forum:

Tech Savvy

When it comes to hiring moderators, having those who are familiar with the community software platform you are using is important.

Those who you hire for the moderator position should be comfortable using the platform and the features that come with it.

Knowledge of the Community

Moderators should be familiar with the niche and topic of your community. An understanding of the community’s culture, values and rules to enforce them effectively.

Communication Skills

Moderators will need to communicate respectfully and clearly in written form and if it is necessary, in interpersonal interactions with users.


Online communities are known to evolve over time, due to this forum rules may need to change. Moderators that you hire on your forum should be willing to learn, adapt and adjust their approach as it is needed.


With any community, you will find that you can sometimes get community members who can sometimes be irate and challenging. When issues like this arise, your moderators should remain composed and patient when they are handling disagreements and conflicts.

Ability to Problem-Solve

Many different issues will arise on the community and it is important that your moderators are able to find creative solutions to deal with these issues. This can be issues from technical problems to conflicts between community members.

Trustworthiness and Integrity

Moderators on a community forum should be able to uphold ethical standards and should be trustworthy. This is because they are in a position of responsibility and authority.

Previous Moderator Experience

A significant advantage when hiring moderators is being able to hire those who have prior experience moderating in other online communities.

This can demonstrate that they have an understanding of the role and the challenges that come with being a moderator in an online community.

Team Player

It is essential that if you have a team of moderators they are able to effectively collaborate and support each other when it comes to managing the community.

Conflict Resolution Skills

When hiring a moderator, you need to be sure that they have the ability to guide users towards constructive discussions, defuse conflicts and mediate disputes.

This is a very valuable skill for a moderator to have and it is an important skill too.

Writing and Language Skills

Moderators should have good writing and grammar skills. These skills are essential to allow for enforcing the forum rules and providing clear communication.

Time Management

When looking for moderators, you should be looking for candidates who have sufficient time to dedicate to the role. You should also be looking for candidates who can manage their time effectively as moderation can be time-consuming.

Compassion and Empathy

Having moderators with compassion and empathy are able to create a welcoming and supportive environment. This is important as they should be able to understand and relate to the community’s members.

Fairness and Impartiality

When looking for a good moderator you should be looking at those who enforce the rules consistently, are unbiased and do not show signs of favouritism.

Moderators should treat all community members equally and fairly.


Moderators will have access to sensitive user information often. This information needs to be kept private. Moderators you hire should understand that this is private information and should handle the information they have access to with care whilst maintaining user privacy.

Before you start to look into hiring moderators for your community, you need to have a clear job description in place that outlines the expectations and responsibilities.

Something to look at would be a probationary period, this is a period of time where their performance is evaluated before the role given to them is made permanent.

One final thing to mention is that you should ensure, as a community leader that the moderators you hire are well-trained in the guidelines and rules that are specific to your community before they start their duties.


In the dynamic realm of online communities, hiring the right moderators is a critical task that holds the key to maintaining a thriving and harmonious digital space. A community leader’s success in this endeavor hinges on identifying individuals who embody a series of different essential skills and qualities.